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== Get investigation metadata ==
== Get investigation metadata ==
{{HasOperation |id=API_Investigation:Metadata}}
{{HasOperation |id=API_Investigation:Metadata}}
== Get an investigation resource ==
{{HasOperation |id=API_Investigation:Resource}}
== Delete an investigation ==
== Delete an investigation ==

Revision as of 10:42, 23 March 2012


Investigations/Studies/Assays/Data are modeled according to ISA-TAB standards.

Investigation: High level concept to link related studies.

Study: The central ISA-TAB unit containing information on the subjet under study, its characteristics and any treatments applied.

Assay: Tests performed either on material taken from the subject or on the whole initial subject, which produce qualitative or quantitative measurements (data).

Data: OpenTox Datasets or external files in native or other formats.

Investigations can be queried with SPARQL. REST operations are avialble for accessing individual investigations, studies, assays and data.

Investigations are created by submitting a zip archive with ISA-TAB files. Individual studies, assays and datafiles can be submitted as ISA-TAB files (studies, assays) or as native data files (e.g. Affymetrix CEL files).

Uploading ISA-TAB archives: Investigations can be uploaded in a zip archive with all ISA-TAB files in a single folder.

Uploading individual ISA-TAB files: It is possible to upload individual data and study/assay ISA-TAB files. In this case the client has to ensure that ISA-TAB references are valid URIs or relative paths.

Filenames: ISA-TAB filenames (in zip archives and individual files) have to follow the conventions:

i_*.txt: Investigation
s_*.txt: Study
a_*.txt: Assay
all other filenames will be interpreted as data files

Filenames have to be unique within an investigation. Submissions with conflicting filenames will not be accepted and return a 400 (Bad Request) error. Existing files in an investigation can be queried with GET /investigation/{id}; Accept: text/uri-list.



An Investigation is a collection of related studies.

A Study has associated Assays, it is the result of executing a set of Protocols. A Study has an Author (an User).

An Assay serves as a container, associating a Protocol with the generated data

Data can be either an OpenTox dataset or a native data file (e.g. Affymetrix CEL file).

Get a list of investigations

Description Get a list of all investigations
Resource Investigation
Method GET
URI /investigation
Header Parameters Accept:text/uri-list, application/rdf+xml subjectid:SECURITY-TOKEN
Media Type (input)
Results List of investigations
Media Type (output) text/uri-list, application/rdf+xml
Status code 200, 400

Description Get a list of user related investigations
Resource Investigation
Method GET
URI /investigation
Header Parameters User:USER_URI subjectid:SECURITY-TOKEN
Media Type (input) Accept:application/rdf+xml, application/json, text/uri-list
Results list of investigations owned/uploaded by a specific user
Media Type (output) application/rdf+xml, application/json, text/uri-list
Status code 200, 400

Links: Page, Edit with form

Query all investigations

Description Query all investigations with SPARQL
Resource Investigation
Method GET
URI /investigation
Parameters query
Header Parameters Accept: one of text/plain (n-triples), text/turtle, application/rdf+xml (for CONSTRUCT queries), subjectid:SECURITY-TOKEN
Media Type (input)
Results Query result
Media Type (output) application/sparql-results+xml (SELECT queries), text/plain (n-triples), text/turtle, application/rdf+xml (CONSTRUCT queries)
Status code 200

Links: Page, Edit with form

Create an investigation

Description Create a new investigation from ISA-TAB files
Resource Investigation
Method POST
URI /investigation
Parameters optional params:
  • allowReadByUser: one or multiple userservice-URIs (User)
  • allowReadByGroup: one or multiple userservice-URIs (Organisations, Projects)
  • summarySearchable: true/false (default is false)

required params (when upload not in isa-tab format):

  • type: one of noData/unformattedData/ftpData
  • title: string
  • abstract: string
  • owningOrg: one userservice-URI (Organisations)
  • owningPro: one or multiple userservice-URIs (Projects)
  • authors: one or multiple userservice-URIs (User)
  • keywords: one or multiple owl-URIs
  • ftpFile: one or multiple filenames (only for type ftpData)

optional params (when upload not in isa-tab format):

  • licenses: string
Header Parameters subjectid:SECURITY-TOKEN
Media Type (input) multipart/form-data:
  • upload ISA-TAB files (isa-tab zip archive)
  • upload unformatted data (zip archive, required params)
  • upload without data (ftp filename, required params)
  • upload without data (required params)
Results Task URI
Media Type (output) text/uri-list
Status code 202, 400, 401

cURL example

curl -Lk -X POST -i -H "subjectid:MYTOKEN" -F file=";type=application/zip" \,USER_URI2&allowReadByGroup=GROUP_URI1,GROUP_URI2&summarySearchable=VALUE
curl -Lk -X POST -i -H "subjectid:MYTOKEN" -d "type=noData" -d "title=STRING" -d "abstract=STRING" -d "owningOrg=GROUP_URI" \ 
-d owningPro=GROUP_URI1,GROUP_URI2" -d "authors=USER_URI1,USER_URI2" -d "keywords=OWL_URI1,OWL_URI2" -d "allowReadByUser=USER_URI1,USER_URI2" \
-d "allowReadByGroup=GROUP_URI1,GROUP_URI2" -d "summarySearchable=VALUE"
curl -Lk -X POST -i -H "subjectid:MYTOKEN" -F file=";type=application/zip" \,GROUP_URI2 \
&authors=USER_URI1,USER_URI2&keywords=OWL_URI1,OWL_URI2&allowReadByUser=USER_URI1,USER_URI2&allowReadByGroup=GROUP_URI1,GROUP_URI2 \
curl -Lk -X POST -i -H "subjectid:MYTOKEN" -d "type=ftpData" -d "title=STRING" -d "abstract=STRING" -d "owningOrg=GROUP_URI" \
-d owningPro=GROUP_URI1,GROUP_URI2" -d "authors=USER_URI1,USER_URI2" -d "keywords=OWL_URI1,OWL_URI2" -d "licenses=STRING" \
-d "ftpFile=FILENAME_A,FILENAME_B" -d "allowReadByUser=USER_URI1,USER_URI2" -d "allowReadByGroup=GROUP_URI1,GROUP_URI2" \
-d "summarySearchable=VALUE"

Links: Page, Edit with form

Get an investigation representation

Description Get an investigation representation
Resource Investigation
Method GET
URI /investigation/{id}
Header Parameters Accept: one of text/tab-separated-values, text/uri-list, application/zip, text/plain (n-triples), text/turtle, application/rdf+xml, subjectid:SECURITY-TOKEN
Media Type (input)
Results Investigation ISA-TAB file, list of study, assay and data URIs, zipped ISA-TAB files (including studies, assays and data files) or RDF representation
Media Type (output) text/tab-separated-values, text/uri-list, application/zip, text/plain, application/rdf+xml
Status code 200, 400, 401, 404

Links: Page, Edit with form

Get investigation metadata

Description Get investigation metadata
Resource Investigation
Method GET
URI /investigation/{id}/metadata
Header Parameters Accept: one of text/plain (n-triples), text/turtle, application/rdf+xml, subjectid:SECURITY-TOKEN
Media Type (input)
Results Investigation metadata in n-triples, turtle or RDF format
Media Type (output) text/plain (n-triples), text/turtle, application/rdf+xml
Status code 200, 400, 401

Links: Page, Edit with form

Get an investigation resource

Description Get an ISA-TAB entry
Resource Investigation
Method GET
URI /investigation/{id}/{resource}
Header Parameters Accept: one of text/plain (n-triples), text/turtle, application/rdf+xml, subjectid:SECURITY-TOKEN
Media Type (input)
Results Investigation ISA-TAB entry in n-triples, turtle or RDF format
Media Type (output) text/plain (n-triples), text/turtle, application/rdf+xml
Status code 200, 400, 401

Links: Page, Edit with form

Delete an investigation

Description Delete an investigation
Resource Investigation
URI /investigation/{id}
Header Parameters subjectid:SECURITY-TOKEN
Media Type (input)
Results Success message
Media Type (output) text/plain
Status code 200, 401

Links: Page, Edit with form

Add studies, assays or data to an investigation

Description Add/update studies, assays or data to an investigation
Resource Investigation
Method PUT
URI /investigation/{id}
Parameters optional params:
  • allowReadByUser: one or multiple userservice-URIs (User)
  • allowReadByGroup: one or multiple userservice-URIs (Organisations, Projects)
  • summarySearchable: true/false (default is false)
  • published: true/false (default is false)

required params (when upload not in isa-tab format):

  • type: one of noData/unformattedData/ftpData
  • title: string
  • abstract: string
  • owningOrg: one userservice-URI (Organisations)
  • owningPro: one or multiple userservice-URIs (Projects)
  • authors: one or multiple userservice-URIs (User)
  • keywords: one or multiple owl-URIs
  • ftpFile: one or multiple filenames (only for type ftpData)
Header Parameters subjectid:SECURITY-TOKEN
Media Type (input) multipart/form-data
Results Task URI
Media Type (output) text/uri-list
Status code 202, 400, 401, 423

Individual ISA-TAB files (text/tab-separated-values) or zip archives of study, assay and data files can be posted as form data to add files to an existing investigation. Investigations without ISA-TAB formated data can be edited by parameters and data files posted as form data replace existing data. Links: Page, Edit with form

Get a study, assay or data representation

Description Get a study, assay, data representation
Resource Investigation
Method GET
URI /investigation/{id}/isatab/{filename}
Header Parameters subjectid:SECURITY-TOKEN
Media Type (input)
Results Study, assay, data representation in ISA-TAB format
Media Type (output) text/tab-separated-values
Status code 200, 400, 401, 404

Links: Page, Edit with form

Delete individual studies, assays or data from an investigation

Links: Page, Edit with form

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