OpenTox API 1.2 Feature

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Component description

A Feature is an object,representing any kind of property, assigned to a Compound. The feature types are determined via their links to ontologies (Feature ontologies, Descriptor ontologies, Endpoints ontologies)

REST operations


Description Method URI Parameters Result Status codes
Get description of a specific feature definition GET /feature/{id} [subjectid] URI-list  or RDF representation of a feature
Create a new feature
POST /feature
Content-type="any-of-RDF-types", content=RDF-representation
URI of the new feature definition 200,400,404,503
Update feature
Content-type="any-of-RDF-types", content=RDF-representation
Delete feature DELETE /feature/{id} [subjectid] -
Get a list of available feature definitions

URI list or RDF of features found by the query or all available, if query is empty

Returns all features, for which owl:sameAs is given by the query


  • subjectid (optional) parameter that contains the OpenSSO A&A token needed to access protected services.

HTTP status codes

Interpretation Nr Name
Success 200 OK
No feature found, or specific featurenot found 404 Not Found
Incorrect parameters 400 Bad request
Service not available 503 Service unavailable</tbody>

RDF representation

Feature and FeatureValue class in (OpenTox API objects ontology) opentox.owl


Representation of a substructure (N3 Notation):

    a       ot:Substructure ;
    dc:title "FCF" ;
    ot:smarts "FCF" ;
    ot:hasSource <>;